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About the Book

The Last Prayer
“With over three hundred thousand synonyms in the English language, three simple words may not always mean what you first think, especially once you understand them in context. So it is with the events of our lives. What we believe is happening at the time, may mean something different in the overall context of our lives”…

In The Last Prayer, we are all a part of the story as we all live, love, laugh and cry, together. The reasons we do these things may differ among us, and our challenges may be different as well, but we all experience them. And we all hit a wall sometimes, and know what it feels like to just need a break. The Last Prayer, shows us that what we need can often be found in the most unlikely of places.

The Last Prayer is an inspiring novel of the human spirit overcoming loneliness, inner conflicts of misunderstanding and the despair of physical challenges. Along the way, it delivers new sources of hope and understanding that transcend its pages, reaching into each of our individual lives.


Personal Life and Inspiration

About Doug

Douglas MontgomeryDouglas Montgomery Jr. (Doug) is a debuting novelist already well known in private and business circles for his ability to communicate and create new understanding, vision and hope.

In his youth, a bit of a nomad, he relocated often as his father was transferred frequently. This provided Doug exposure to a multitude of places, cultures and personal insights to the human spirit. This trend continued in the early years of his own adulthood until his daughter was born. Read more…

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